Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prison Security?

Our Uni have tightened their security for safety reasons
It is fine in one perspective but very very bad in another
Everytime we pass the time 12 midnight
They will take down our name and give us lecture
Let me give you all a scenario
One day, while studying, you are hungry and you are suffering from severe gastric
And your house have nothing to eat
Not even a packet of instant noodle
What should you do?
Go outside eat grass?
The only way is to go out and eat!!
But when you come back, your name will be taken down
I can't think of any other good way
And got another scenario
If you are injured, and you have a lot of stuff to be taken to your apartment
But then the security guard dont allow car or guys to go in
What should you do?
Ask the guard take for you?
Will she?
Another thing that I cant accept is that the guard for girl's hostel is a male!!
You dont allow boys to go in on the morning but you allow a male guard to be there during the night?
That means you are feeding a tiger at your side
Waiting for the time to come b4 he eats you
Dont give me the reason saying that he is a guard and he can be trusted
Dont tell me as a guard, he is 100% pure and can be trusted?
No right?
I trust only my family and friends and not outsiders that I don even know
So, shut the hell up and look into your security system!!
Think all over again!!
I am going to complain to the department tomorrow!!

P/s : Sorry if my words are too harsh or I hurt you in some way.... This is just my feeling now....


  1. totally agree with you!!!!
    last time there was a heavy downpour...
    my bro wanna fetch me for lunch...
    the guard stopped him in front said he cant go in...
    because he and his friend is boys....

    sometimes the guard at ilmu also male..
    feeling really unsafe....

  2. i am going to complain to the security department already...
    i dont give them a d***
    they just do whatever they think is right
    they dun even do the thinking
    just to make it like they are protecting us but it results in the opposite....

  3. really wanna complain ah?
    when you wanna complain?
